Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Dana George dgeorge@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4300 Athletic Director
Lisa Giger lgiger@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4035 Human Resource
Brian Gipson bgipson@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4482 Accountancy
Cynthia Gipson cgipson@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
David Gladden dgladden@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4712 Foundation
Virginia Goetzinger ggoetzinger@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Geoffrey Gong ngong@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4180 Accountancy
Nora Gough-Davis ndavis@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4268 Nursing
Ann Graham amgraham@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4385 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Ethan Grant egrant@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Towonda Grant tgrant@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4315 Child Development Center
John Green jdgreen@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Leah Gregory-Johnson lgjohnson@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4110 Speech & Hearing Sciences
Leslie Griffin lgriffin@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4010 Vice President for Academic Affairs
James Griffing jgriffing@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4625 Performing Arts Center
JaWanda Griham jwgriham@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4040 Registrar
Severine Groh sgroh@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4245 Math and Sciences
Murat Gur mgur@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
William Handly Not Available 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Holly Haney hhaney@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4255 Nursing
Craig Hankins shankins@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4246 Biological Sciences
Tomeka Harbin tharbin@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4200 Dean of College of Business
Reba Harrell rharrell@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4370 Biological Sciences
Tijuana Harris tmharris@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4009 Human Resource
Gary Michael Harrison gharrison@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4522 Geospatial Information Technology
FaDerricka Harvey fbharvey@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4050 Institutional Research
Hannah Hasle hmhasle@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Abby Havard ahavard@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4300 Athletic Trainer
Londeria Hayes lhayes@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Crystal Haynes rhaynes@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4345 General Library
Jack Haynes jthaynes@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds
Regina Haynes rhaynes@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4345 Instructional Resources Center
Gary Hays gfhays@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4547 Communications & Marketing
Alexa Hayward Not Available 662-846-4844 Arts Education
David Herndon dherndon@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Jennifer Herren jamckee@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4040 Registrar
Addie Herrod aherrod@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4274 Nursing
Ryan Hewitt rhewitt@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4740 HVAC
Wyatt Hicks whicks@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Tracy Hilaire thilaire@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4607 Student Affairs
James Hill jthill@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Joshua Hill jchill@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4740 HVAC
Howard Hinson thinson@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4300 Football
Stephanie Hodnett shodnett@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4259 Nursing
William Hodnett whodnett@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4268 Nursing
Kyla Holcomb kholcomb@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4268 Nursing
Thomas Holden tholden@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Steven Holifield sholifield@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Janet Horne jhorne@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4448 General Library
Jake Hovarter jhovarter@tsunoi-toso.com 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation